Day 26: Today, I am grateful for Cast Iron Skillets! Thankful today that my massive cast iron skillet fit in our tiny-nonAmerican-sized oven! I can actually make my family’s cornbread dressing the “right” way this year! Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be canceled now! (Yes, I seriously had this dream last night.) This post […]
Homeschool Success Hacks
2019 Gratitude Challenge, Day 24
Day 24: Today, I am grateful for my friend Mary. My “tribe” is a little smaller today. Making friends when you move so often and you lean introverted isn’t easy. I’ve got my tricks – I’ve learned to lean on church and my “hobbies” pretty hard. Another trick I’ve found is to find the […]
Thanksgiving Resources (2019 Gratitude Challenge, Day 21)
Day 17: Today, I am grateful for the Internet as a Homeschool Resource! Since Thanksgiving is upon us and my girls are getting older, and I wanted to delve into this topic on a deeper level. But being overseas, I’m pretty limited by what I can find, since I didn’t plan ahead and order […]
2019 Gratitude Challenge, Day 20
Day 20: Today, I am grateful for the Eye Treatments for our oldest! The treatment we are following for our oldest’s eyes actually comes directly from very recent studies done here in Singapore at the National Eye Institute!! So thankful our Dr. in DC was so knowledgeable and “up-to-date” and thankful that we are […]
2019 Gratitude Challenge, Day 19
Day 19: Today, I am grateful for the last box unpacked!!! Y’all would be so proud of me, I’m unpacked/cleaned out that last box of “random junk” from our move. (Y’all all know the one- especially those of you that move often, it’s the one that sits there forever that you’ll always say “I’ll […]