ARE YOU READY?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Challenge Step #1: Your job is to ASSESS and PREPARE.
A. Make a List. Make a list of all the problem spots. ALL OF THEM. Don’t worry. You’re not doing anything yet. You’re just writing them down.
B. What kind of supplies will you need this month? Garbage bags, shredder, file folders, label machine? GO GET THEM NOW. YOU WANT EVERYTHING WHEN YOU START WORKING.
C. Think about your family – how they can get involved? You know you didn’t make this mess by yourself! Are there particular parts of tasks you can delegate?
What about your kids – How can this be a learning lesson for them? Can we teach them something here? (Trust me, I have no answer, and am eager to hear your ideas.)
What systems have your tried in the past THAT WORKED? (We’re not interested in what doesn’t work!) We want to expand those successes!
My Own Answers:
Assess: My Paper Problem List
1. Tax Paperwork
2. Active File Cabinets in Office
3. Incoming Mail
4. Homeschool Paperwork
5. Papers/File all over the desk, floor, and “hot files” on wall in office.
In previous years, this list would have also included these below, in case this helps you come up with ideas. Thankfully, these areas are in fairly good shape right now for me.
a. “Archive” File Cabinets in Basement
b. Scrapbooking Stuff
c. Office Supply Closet
d. Huge mountain of magazines in living room in magazine basket.
e. The kid plethora of paper that comes in
Prepare: Getting supplies – I think I’ve got every single supply possible for this project. That’s part of my problem!
Brainstorm/Plan – Hubby can easily shred paper for me while he’s watching sports in the evening. And he’s good for taking the kids out of my hair while I deal with the taxes later in the month. And handling the insurance, FSA accounts, and car paperwork is his job, so I will talk to him about organizing “his files” and “his desk” as well. Can’t really do it for him, but can talk to him about this challenge and see what he’d like to do. Oh and he’s really awesome about taking out all the garbage!
The girls? The older they get, the more help they really are in this area. In fact, the youngest I think has inherited an organizational gene (I have no idea where from) and really is great about organizing naturally!
If your kids are younger, I would encourage you to talk to them about what you’re doing and try to plant seeds about why you do those things. Also, make sure you do a major purge of the “playroom” with them and toss a lot of their own craft projects and artwork that just take over.
Things That Work
Having one folder designated for all bills to go in. Having 9×12 envelope where I keep all receipts and paperwork for taxes as they come in. Tossing as much mail or junk as it walks in the door that I can. Trying to keep on top of paperwork and being able to find what I need to find. Having a sort-of, general, type place for everything to go.
Feel free to post your results in the comments, or link up! I’d love it!
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